Samples of recent work:

The Children's Movement of Florida

Ensuring that Children Become Florida's No. 1 Priority: Served as communications director during the year-long 2010 launch of the non-partisan, grassroots movement on behalf of Florida's children: Read more...

Knight Foundation

Stories of Transformation: A study of Knight Foundation's Living Cities program, how it evolved over the years, how it has served tens of thousands of people, and the challenges it faces going forward. Read more...

The Children's Trust/W.K. Kellogg Foundation

The Billion-Dollar Bet on A Community's Future: A case study and tool kit explaining and examining how The Children's Trust persuaded the 2.4 million residents of Florida’s largest county to tax themselves – during a crushing economic downturn – on behalf of children. Read more...

The Lastinger Center for Learning/University of Florida

Molding Master Teachers: A report on an innovative University of Florida graduate program that is developing and retaining master teachers who enrich
students, inspire colleagues and rededicate themselves to a noble profession. Read more...

These are among a series of articles produced for this leading provider of real-time news and information for credit card users and issuers: